Your Health, Wealth, Happiness, and Performance are all connected. I'll help you unleash your full potential. - Ian
For too long we have treated wellbeing separately to other areas of our life. Not anymore. I am going to help you discover what it truly means to thrive physically, emotionally, socially, financially, intellectually, and more.
After more than 15 years as an athlete, trainer, educator, consultant, and coach, I have discovered 3 basic truths:
We all have untapped potential that we wish we could access
We all wish we could be healthier, happier and/or more successful
We all want to live our best life, a life that matters
Above all else, our ability to achieve these is most dramatically influenced by our state of wellbeing.
It is for that reason that I started Zoetic, a company that is dedicated to helping people to unlock their potential to live a life of thriving.
- Ian Anderson
Coach & Founder
My Story
The moment Zoetic was born in my mind, happened far before it became a business, it happened far before I knew that the word "Zoetic" existed.
I have always had a curiosity about human performance, particularly athleticism. How do the elite become the elite in their chosen endeavor? How much of that is nature vs. nurture? How can we elevate human performance without everyone having access to an extensive and expensive team of support staff like dieticians, sport psychologists, physical therapists, trainers, coaches, etc.?
In 2013 I was working at a school in Melbourne, Australia, and I was fortunate enough to be invited to join a team of educators who would be part of a significant change. The School had decided to adopt Positive Psychology principles and embed them into the school's culture through a wellbeing program, pastoral programs, and even the language that would be used.
As someone with a degree in Physical Education and Psychology, this intrigued me. As we went through the process, it became evident that a lot of the underlying principles resembled what sport psychology had been doing with athletes for years. The main concept being how do we take the average person and help them elevate to a point of thriving, or flourishing. Sport Psychologists have essentially been doing this with elite athletes, helping them to find that extra 10% improvement that can make all of the difference. However, this was the first time that I had witnessed this concept being applied to the general population.
This opened my eyes. While sport psychology and positive psychology heavily focus on the psychological component of performance or thriving, I began to explore how these principles could be more broadly applied. After all, experts will often see things through their own lens, a psychologist will say it is a mind problem, an accountant will say it is a money problem, you get the idea. Well, I am a wellbeing and human performance specialist, and I have come to find that it isn't just a mind problem, and it isn't just a health problem, and it isn't just a relationship problem. As a result, I launched Zoetic to help people unlock their potential to thrive.
The Zoetic Model consists of 8 dimensions of wellbeing - Physical, Emotional, Social, Intellectual, Environmental, Occupational, Financial, and Spiritual. These 8 dimensions are universal, regardless of country, age, race, gender, etc. Each of these dimensions impact the others, there is a positive relationship that connects them all, so when the state of a dimension improves it can help to elevate the others. The inverse is also true.
Sadly, most people focus on 1 or 2, maybe 3 of these dimensions, which is obviously better than none at all, however, when we neglect the other dimensions our progress is capped. In order to unlock the rest of our potential, we must turn our attention to the other dimensions.
The Zoetic mission is to help people to navigate this journey to unlocking their full potential in a meaningful way that can be sustained throughout their lives.
If this resonates with you, and you are wanting to elevate your life to new heights, I look forward to connecting with you and supporting you on your journey.​​​
Since founding Zoetic, I have been able to support thousands of people around the world, across 5 continents, to make positive, meaningful and sustainable change in their lives, empowering their pursuit of self-optimization.
As a coach, I've empowered: Individuals, Students, Athletes, Executives, Veterans, Parents, and the list goes on.
As a consultant, I've been fortunate to support the development and implementation of world-class culture and well-being programs at companies like:

Proudly supporting people and organizations world-wide.
- from start-ups, nonprofits and schools, to publicly traded and Fortune 500s.
"You are capable of far more than you realize, I will help you expose your potential."
— Ian Anderson